Lothal (લોથલ) : Ancient port city 4500 years back
Photo album link for Lothal Lothal is one of the most fascinating remains of an ancient port city from the Indus civilization ( 3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) . The place was discovered in 1958 Dr. Rao from the archaeological society of India. Lothal is the exhibit- A of the existence of life and advanced civilization thriving in Gujarat in prehistoric or geologic times .. The place is only 80 KM form Ahmadabad. Lothal is one the oldest man-made structure and city on the planet. Per Wikipedia's list of the oldest man-made structures , only two structures pre-dates that. (The wiki list of the oldest man-made structures is not updated with the new archaeological find in the Orkney Islands off the northern tip of Scotland ...